May 10, 2007

Here is some stuff you should call your DJ/ADJ about:

1. Your Dean/Administration/SBA is giving you a hard time.
If you run into any snags at your school, give me a call. First we will brainstorm some solutions. If those solutions don't pan out, then Plan B I will get on the phone and give your dean a call or I will get an alumni from your chapter to do so.

2. The IEO is ignoring you.
If Frank, Byron, or Andrew are not answering your emails, sending you your Rush stuff (pins, certificates etc.), or otherwise generally not helping you, let me know and I’ll find out what is wrong. This comes with some caveats though... Whatever you have asked them for has to be reasonable. I am not putting in a call to Frank because you called him two days before initiation and asked him to FedEx you some pins. Also, they have to be legitimately not responding to you. I am not going to bug Byron on his cell phone because he hasn't answered your email within an hour. But if you have sent two or three requests, and have received no response, let me know and I will put in a call for you.

3. You have a rush question you can't answer.
You never know what some random wiseguy at your school is going to come up with, and if you don't know the answer, don't worry about it. Tell them you will make a call and get back to them with the answer. And then call me.

4. You have ANY question you can't answer.

5. What you are doing is interesting to me.
I want to hear how your chapter is going. I want to know how school is going. I want to help you with anything that I can. Seriously, I would NOT volunteer so much of my time to this organization if I didn't care about you.

Communication is key to making your chapter successful. I’m here to help you in any way I can. There may be times I won’t know the answer to you questions, but I’ll find the answer and get back with . So call me with questions, comments, just to chat, whatever. I’m here for you guys!

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