May 10, 2007

Nuts and Bolts of Chapter Awards

OK here's the nuts and bolts that you need to know if you want to win international awards. This is the very bottom line basic stuff, so refer back here if you need to refresh your memory:

Before you can even think of applying for Most Outstanding Law School Chapter, you have to qualify for the Chapter Merit Award. You will need to do the following:
  • File your Spring and Fall Reports with the International Executive Office (heads up Chapter Clerks!)
  • File your Roster of Officers within 10 days of elections (or any other changes in leadership)
  • File your Form G's within 10 days of initiation (and if you really want to be outstanding, file it BEFORE initiation)
  • Have an officer transition meeting after elections (and pass along those Officer's Manuals)
  • Have a Faculty Advisor (be able to describe who they are and why you selected them)
  • Have an Alumni Advisor (ditto, as well as what they have done to support you)
  • Give an Outstanding Service to the Chapter Award to a member of your chapter
  • Give an Outstanding Service to the Chapter Award to an alumni
  • RUSH more new members than the year before
  • Run new programs that you did not run the year before
  • You also need a minumum of the following programs:

Four Professional Programs (PP)
One Fundraising Activity (FR)
Three Social Activities (SA)
Two Community Service Programs (CS)
One Alumni Activity (AL) or Inter-chapter activity (IC)
Rush Progams (no amount is specified)
One Academic Program (AP)One Specialize Program (SP)

On top of all that, you will have to do all of the following in order to meet the minimum qualifications for Outstanding Chapter. OBVIOUSLY you want to do all this and more so you can not just qualify but WIN!

  • have chapter bylaws (If you don’t have them already. I can give you model chapter bylaws, adapt them and adopt them)
  • have regularly scheduled membership meetings
  • have regularly scheduled officer meetings
  • keep written minutes of meetings
  • have a treasurer's report at every meeting
  • have a written calendar of events
  • form committees (you will have to list what committees you have, how many members in the committees, and what events these committees have run)
  • maintain a separate account for initiation fees (DO NOT PUT THEM IN YOUR ACCOUNT WITH CHAPTER FUNDS!)
  • have a written chapter budget(If you need help writing a budget call me and we’ll come up with one for you)
  • initiate faculty members (for free) into your chapter
  • create local chapter awards
  • put announcements in your school newspaper about your events

The two forms attached below are to be filled out and maintained to assist in filling out the application at the end of the year.(Both can be e-mailed to you upon request in Word format.) One was adapted from the Kohn Award to be used in the planning of the event. The other is the programing information section for the Kohn Award. It is in your best interest to fill these out as the year progresses. I would also appreciate receiving a copy of the forms so that I know what’s going on with your chapter. Its easier to brag abou y’all if I know what’s going on.

ANY QUESTIONS? You know where to find me.

(Borrowed from Pam Nash, former District 21 DJ, with changes from me.)

1 comment:

District XV Justice said...

How to win chapter awards continued


If you want to win international awards then you have to give awards of your own. One of the things the awards committee looks at is whether your chapter has given any local awards. The reason for this is any outstanding chapter is one that has a lot of different people contributing ideas and efforts and making things happen at your school, so this is a way of showing the International Board not just who in your chapter is doing the work, but how you have recognized them. This is because a REALLY outstanding chapter is one that appreciates the efforts of everyone involved (members, committee chairs, alumni) and THANKS them for their work.


1. International Awards. They are all right there, on on the Law School & Download Page (click on download guide and scroll to awards). You can recognize your chapter members for community service, professional service and academics.

2. Local Awards. You can do all of the above awards, and any others you wish to invent, at the chapter level. You can get blank certificates with the Fraternity crest from Leslie Rutherford at the International Exec Office or you can make your own if you prefer (Staples/Office Max has blank award certificates). Some examples are:
Outstanding New Member Award -- for someone who has really stepped up in the first semester that they are a member (you can give this out at the end of every semester if you like)
Outstanding Alumni Support -- give as many of these as you legitimately can, our alumni ROCK!
Outstanding Committee Chair -- pick one, don't make it "everyone gets one"
Outstanding Professional Event -- here's the way to give another committee chair an award
Outstanding Community Service Event – ditto

3. Personal Awards. Certificates are nice, and people appreciate them, and even put them on their resumes and hang them in their offices. But sometimes, you just want to show your appreciation in a more personal way.